Zero waste addresses in Paris and Île-de-France

Are you looking for zero-waste businesses in Paris and the Île-de-France region? Places to repair or reuse? Somewhere to compost? Returnable glass? This page has maps and  “zero waste” addresses in the Paris region. You’ll find shops, services and various places to help you to:

  • buy in bulk (food, cosmetics, hygiene products)
  • lend things you no longer need (books, games, tools)
  • donate, exchange or buy second-hand items
  • repair and have repaired (clothes, repair café, fablab)
  • compost or recycle

This page lists some addresses directly, but you’ll also find many zero waste addresses by exploring the links listed below.

Zero waste collaborative map

There are: bulk stores, repair workshops and repair cafés, reuse centres (e.g. thrift stores), composters, and merchants identified by local groups of Zero Waste France.

Carte du zéro déchet Zero Waste France, centrée sur l'Île-de-France.

The map is collaborative: anyone can add addresses! It also retrieves addresses from other data sources (including OpenStreetMap).

La Maison du Zéro Déchet (the Home of Zero Waste)

The Maison du Zéro Déchet sells zero waste products (hygiene products, water bottles, DIY, composters) and includes an associative café that promotes returnable drinks. The café itself has been fitted out with a lot of reuse and it is THE place to see zero waste in action in Paris. It hosts the offices of Zero Waste France, the Réseau Consigne and Zero Waste Paris. We carry out many zero waste trainings there.

Addresses by theme



Deposting for reuse



Drinking fountains

Borrow / rent

Buy / sell second-hand items


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