Create awareness about the Zero Waste movement

Zero Waste Paris is a non-profit organization promoting the zero waste movement in Paris and its suburbs.

What is Zero Waste?

Zero waste is a positive and progressive approach to limiting our impact on the environment and to reducing the amount of waste that we produce. Zero waste is good for our health, our wallets and for the planet!It is a positive and progressive approach to limit our impact on the environment and reduce the amount of waste that we generate. We can see positive impact of this approach on our health, wallets, and the planet!

What are our missions?

Raising awareness about the Zero Waste movement

We raise awareness of students at schools, of professionals in restaurants and food stores, of employees at their workplace, and of all citizens wishing to know more about the subject.

Helping to considerably reduce the quantity of waste we generate

We support both the main players in the public and private sector to take actions that reduce waste.

Local Advocacy

Zero Waste Paris promotes the zero waste approach to local politicians and decision-makers.

Un autocollant "Contenants personnels acceptés" sur la porte d'un commerce.

Adopt the Zero Waste movement in Paris

Join our volunteers!

At latest count, Zero Waste Paris has around 200 members and dozens of active volunteers working to promote the movement. Everyone has his own place in our association!

About twenty volunteers posing for a group shot.

Other organisations that we ❤️

We work together to push forward the Zero Waste movement in Paris and its suburbs.

Réseau Consigne IDF.

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