Zero Waste Paris offers zero waste training, school presentations and various actions to raise awareness. We also work with public and private actors to reduce waste in a concrete way. Finally, we lobby and encourage local policy makers to engage in ambitious zero waste projects.
Want to participate in these activities? You too can become a volunteer! Or perhaps you’re interested in having us visit your own organisation (school, company, etc.)? Then check out our services!
Training on specific themes

Our volunteers have developed several trainings around zero waste, adapted to different audiences:
- Introduction to zero waste, helping individuals to get started!
- Zero waste in the office, reducing waste in the workplace
- Sport and zero waste, for athletes and their clubs
- Zero waste retailers, for local shops
- Zero waste ambassador, to learn how to promote the approach
These trainings are conducted at the Maison du Zéro Déchet, at your companies’ premises, or over video-conference.
School visits

Zero Waste Paris works in schools and higher education institutions, with exhibitions and educational contexts adapted to all ages (school, college, high school, university).
For 6-12 year olds, we offer participatory sessions around the theme “Zero Waste Heroes”. Children can learn about the problem of waste, and continue their discovery with an exhibition and an illustrated guide on “6 actions to preserve the planet”. An extended version of this sequence can be spaced out over a whole week.
For students, we have created an exhibition and a specific guide, designed for young adults. We can also adapt our “Introduction to zero waste” training to the student public.
Activities with retailers

Zero Waste Paris is working with retailers to raise awareness about the harmful consequences of packaging and single-use products. This is a local variation of the “Mon commerçant zéro déchet” campaign, initiated by Zero Waste France.
We meet with local businesses to encourage them to fight against single-use packaging, by encouraging their customers to bring their own containers. We point out to consumers which businesses are volunteers with a sticker in the window, and add these businesses to a zero waste map.
We can also advise retailers on operational solutions (e.g. deposit, bulk, compost) and put them in contact with professional networks (IDF deposit network, bulk network).
Zero Waste Paris supports organisations who want to reduce their waste over several weeks or months. We can deploy our awareness-raising actions, organize thematic events, create tools (exhibitions, guides) or lead zero waste challenges. We have already worked with several local authorities (Paris City Hall, 10th arrondissement, Est Ensemble) and with educational organisations (IUT Paris Descartes).

Local advocacy
We support ambitious measures to reduce waste: sorting bio-waste at source, incentive pricing, stopping single-use products… To make them a reality, we bring the zero waste message to local elected officials, their teams, and, during elections, to candidates.
Informing citizens
Zero Waste Paris disseminates information about zero waste and the solutions available in and around Paris. We go into the community to share our knowledge and tips on zero waste. We regularly have booths and participate in conferences and debates in order to raise awareness of the zero waste approach. On social networks, we share local news about zero waste.
A volunteer talks with a citizen. The Zero Waste Sport group at a sporting event. Debate during the 2020 municipal elections.