Zero Waste Paris is a non-profit organization promoting the zero waste movement in Paris and its suburbs. We are members of the Local Group Network of Zero Waste France.
Founded in 2016, we raise awareness about zero waste, work hard to considerably reduce waste in our territory, and lobby public officials and decision-makers to support ambitious projects.
Volunteers constitute the main part of the association, supported by 2 employees, a General Coordinator and a Project Manager. We are hosted by our sister association, the Maison du Zéro Déchet, in the 12th arrondissement.

Our missions
- raise awareness of environmental problems related to waste,
- prevent and reduce the quantity of waste,
- campaign against waste treatment methods that do not respect the environment (landfill, incineration, etc.),
- promote the zero waste approach.
Read our bylaws (in French)
Our actions and services
Zero Waste Paris addresses many types of audience: individuals, businesses, communities, schools. We work to increase awareness of zero waste, support and advocacy with local politicians and decision-makers.
Some of our actions are available as paid services for those interested. They are presented in our services catalogue.
Our organisation
Zero Waste Paris is a non-profit organisation relying mainly on volunteers. We operate on the principle of collective governance, without a hierarchical organization. Everyone is involved according to their availability and their desires.
We are guided by values of independence, transparency, non-violence and perseverance. We wish to act for the common good, with benevolence and positivity.
The association’s internal organization can be summarized by affecting a task force for every theme (e.g. zero waste at the office, zero waste for sports activities, communication, finance, etc.) or by creating smaller groups in local neighborhoods which act as close to the community as possible (Paris 19th, Boulogne, etc.)

Every group is autonomous in making decisions that concern its activities, by collective decision-making within its members. Decisions at a higher level for the association are taken in the same way, during the monthly meetings open to all members.
If a decision impacts the image of Zero Waste Paris or its legal or financial responsibilities, the board validates the decision. This board is elected each year at our general assembly.
Our funding
The activities of Zero Waste Paris are financed by membership fees, donations, public and private grants, and by paid services (training, interventions, tenders, etc.). These activities are largely made possible by the time and energy investment of our volunteers. You can find a report of our activities and financial statements at the bottom of this page.
The Zero Waste ecosystem in Paris
Zero Waste Paris is part of an ecosystem of associations in Paris and its suburbs that are pushing forward the zero waste movement. We work closely with:
- Zero Waste France, the national association promoting zero waste throughout France. Many campaigns, studies and positions that we embody locally are of its initiative. It is our parent association.
- La Maison du Zéro Déchet, a property entirely dedicated to zero waste in Paris, which constitutes of a boutique, a café, and several halls for conferences and workshops. Created by Zero Waste France, la Maison du Zéro Déchet is our sister association. We sit at its board of directors, alongside Zero Waste France.

We also work with:
- other local groups of Zero Waste France in the Ile-de-France region working outside of Paris. We meet and work together from time to time.
- the réseau consigne Île-de-France, a business network dedicated to reuse.
- la Surfrider Foundation Paris, the Parisian local group of Surfrider Foundation, the non-for-profit organisation to protect the ocean.
- The 3R collective (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle), an association which campaigns for zero waste alternatives to incineration and landfill. For example, they are against the reconstruction of an incinerator at Ivry.
Activity report
You can find our activity reports and financial statements (in French), on this page.